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Winter Flash Sale

Returns & Exchange

Worry-Free Guarantee

Customer service is our top priority. We want you to love your new furniture and be happy with your purchase. If you are not satisfied, you can return or exchange it.
To complete the return or exchange, simply contact our support team or reply to your order confirmation email. We will issue a credit as soon as the returned item is back in the warehouse.

Easy Step-by-Step Return:

  1. Notify us within 14 days of receiving your purchase.
  2. Return in original packaging (If the item was unpacked, please repack it in the original package).
  3. Ship the item back to the warehouse (we will send instructions with a return number RMA#).
  4. Get your money back.

The Details:

  • Notify within 30 days
    We accept all returns and exchanges within 30 days of receiving your purchase.

  • Return in original packaging
    Our products are well-packaged for shipping purposes. Without the original packaging, we will not be able to accept your return.

  • Refund Process
    Products returned during the 30-Day Risk-Free Trial will be inspected within 48 hours of receiving them to ensure they are in like-new condition. We will then process your request and issue a credit to your credit card or PayPal within one day. You will receive an email confirmation once the refund is complete. Depending on your card issuer, it may take up to 5 business days for the credit to appear.

  • As New Condition
    If the product is damaged, we will not be able to accept your return. We also cannot accept returns for merchandise that has already been assembled, unless it arrives pre-assembled.

  • Custom Orders & Special Orders
    Please note that custom orders are non-refundable and non-returnable.

  • Not Happy with the Color?
    All returns based on color go through the same process: Notify within 60 Days + Return in original packaging + As New Condition + Additional Shipping Fees (even if your order states ‘Free Delivery’).

Custom and special orders based on color issues are non-refundable and non-returnable. In the case of a cancellation, a 20% restocking fee will be withheld for any canceled Special Order, plus additional shipping fees will apply (even if your order states 'Free Delivery').

  • Additional Services & Shipping Fees
    Our additional services and shipping fees are non-refundable. This includes fees for in-room delivery, assembly services, and pick-ups, even if your order states "Free Delivery" (we still pay the shipping companies for those services).
    Service fees range from £30 to £150. If you have questions, please contact us before making a purchase.

  • Sale, Clearance, Discounted & Outlet Items
    All clearance, discounted, and outlet items are sold as "Final Sale" and are non-refundable.

  • Mattresses
    Mattresses are non-refundable and non-returnable.


Orders that are picked up from the warehouse or loaded onto the delivery truck are considered shipped.
Orders being held in our warehouse at the customer’s request or layaway orders cannot be canceled.
If an order has already been shipped and is then canceled, please refer to our return policy. You will be responsible for the shipping charges, even if your order states "Free Delivery."

In Summary...

We care about every customer, and we want you to be happy with your purchase. If you're not, we make it easy to get a refund or replacement. We do this because we believe in treating our customers the way we would want to be treated.